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Why consider an Independent Insurance Agency?

Brittany Bergum • November 9, 2017

Why an Independent Agent?

Today's world is all about the ability to complete a task on demand, we expect direct answers and want to expend as little of our precious time on insurance as possible. So why would one want to go to an independent agent when a 15 minutes online can get you a quote from a lizard?

... a lizard?

I digress - In the best interest of independent agents I thought an explanation of what they offer might be in order.
There are three basic ways to buy insurance: Online, through a direct agent, or through an independent agent.

When purchasing online, you enter your information, select your coverage's and then purchase the policy with a credit card or checking account. The internet has become more popular with tech savvy shoppers and is a great tool to research any product, including insurance.

Another option is to go to a captive agency. These are agents that only offer one specific company. While they may be a good neighbor, or a nice American family, they can't shop your policy around to see if they are offering you the best deal. You have to do that yourself.

Some people like to shop for insurance, since it can be exciting to see how much you can save, there is a singular rush of adrenaline that supercharges the mind when they can save a client $20,000 in insurance costs over their lifetime.

These people are called independent agents, and often seen as superhero's by their loyal clients.

Dave Ramsey puts it best "The agent's loyalty is to you, the customer, not the insurance provider. If a company's policy isn't a good fit for you, he won't try to get you to buy it just for the commission."

We aren't company centric - we are customer centric. We value your relationship over any single company.

So how does it work? We seek out the insurance companies that are financially sound, have great claims service and are priced competitively. We try to find as many as we can so ensure that we are able to offer the best pricing possible. We look for companies that are based where we live, that know the area and risks that may exist.

Similar to a matchmaker, we look to see what company likes in a risk and what a customer desires in an insurance company.

Putting the right customer with the right company is euphoric and something that only an independent insurance agency can do.

Give us a call, send an email or start your match online at

You'll be happy you did!
We guarantee it.

By Brittany Bergum May 7, 2020
One of the most certain things in life is uncertainty. Your dog could bite the neighbor’s kid. Your teen driver could hit a cyclist. A guest could fall down your stairs. A rainy morning commute on worn-out tires could result in a multi-car accident. And you could be held liable to others for the cost of damages – injuries, property destruction, emotional distress, lost wages and more. Good thing you have insurance. But, wait, your policy covers $300,000 of liability, and, in a lawsuit, you’re judged liable for $1 million. That leaves $700,000 left to pay. How will you cover it? If you have umbrella insurance and your policy covers the incident, the additional $700,000 will come from your policy. If not, it will come from the assets you have now, such as your home and savings, and from future assets, such as your wages or inheritance. The fact is, it only takes one serious accident and a resulting lawsuit to put everything you own - and will own - at risk. And it only takes one umbrella policy to help protect it all. Here are a few things you should know about umbrella insurance: Personal umbrella policies typically offer between one and five million dollars of liability coverage. Consider your net worth when choosing your coverage –you could be sued for everything you have. An umbrella policy is not a stand-alone policy. Your insurance carrier will typically require you to meet certain qualifications, such as having an auto policy with a certain level of liability coverage, in order to purchase umbrella insurance. Even when you have umbrella insurance, your car or home insurance is your first line of defense. For example, if you are liable for $2 million in a car accident and your auto insurance covers $500,000 of liability, your auto policy covers the first $500,000. Your umbrella policy covers the remaining $1.5 million, assuming your policy covers the incident and that you purchased that much coverage. If you are liable for $250,000 in an accident on your property and your homeowners insurance covers $300,000, your umbrella policy won’t be needed. If you insure a motorcycle, ATV, golf cart, snowmobile, motor-home, or watercraft, your umbrella policy may provide additional liability coverage on top of those policies as well. Be sure to check with your agent to confirm your coverage on these types of vehicles. A single umbrella policy typically covers all of your family members who are residents of your household. Essentially, an umbrella policy gives you excess liability coverage on top of what your other policies provide. If you’re at fault for a serious accident, you’ll need it. Umbrella insurance also gives you liability coverage in instances where other policies don’t. Examples include driving in a foreign country or renting a boat. If you’re curious about how umbrella insurance might play a role in protecting the life you’ve built or plan to build, talk to your agent today.
By Brittany Bergum January 29, 2019
We live in Wisconsin. So we must love winter right?  Well some of us do. Personally, I love winter, the clean crisp air, the beautiful ice frozen on the trees and how the sun makes it glisten. Plus winter is the best time to snuggle under the blankets by the fire. You can wear hoodies almost everywhere with no judgement, and it gives you an excuse to drink hot chocolate, literally all the time. With all it's beauty and charm, winter has it's dangerous side too. The cold can sneak up on you, and accidents happen even to those of us who are native to Wisconsin. Driving in the winter all your life can make you forget to prepare sometimes. I get that. So, here is a quick reminder of some of the essentials for the trunk! 1 . Lights, Flares, and Whistles    Ideally if something happens to our car, we are in broad daylight and in a very high trafficked area. But, just in case, make sure you carry something that you can use to tell people you are there and in need of assistance. These can be very helpful especially if you are buried in the snow. In the event your car is disabled in an accident, lights and flares can help get the attention of people from a distance, and whistles can help if your horn won't work! 2. Change of clothes, blankets, hats & gloves.  You can't rely on the fact that your car has a heater. What if that gets disabled? Having blankets, dry hat and gloves, and a dry set of clothes, will help protect you from the cold. If you are out trying to dig your car out, wet clothes are the last thing you want to be sitting in while you wait for help. Oh, and make sure you have enough blankets, hats and gloves for everyone who normally rides with you. Personally I keep my old blankets in the car by my spare tire. When I am ready to get rid of them in the house, they serve well as my car blankets. I picked up several pairs of gloves and a few hats for less than $1 each from the clearance section last spring and tossed those in too. 3. Ice Scraper, Portable Shovel, and Good Snow Brush  These are something you might already have in your car. I added the portable shovel after not being able to get out of a parking spot thanks to a tow truck... Carrying these three together can help you be able to dig your car out much faster and stay out in the cold for less time. 5. Water, Snacks, Hand-warmers, and First-Aide kit.  You may be stuck for a bit. These are essentials to keeping you safe and fed. Make sure your first aide kit is handy in case there are any injuries. Keep this in the front of your car just in case you can't get to your trunk. Your glove compartment is a great place to store all these items. Keeping water in the front of your car will help keep it from being frozen when you need it as the heater in your car and the engine heat can melt it while the car is running. Hand-warmers can serve dual purposes. You can wrap a frozen water bottle with the hand-warmers to melt it while also keeping yourself warm. 6. Jumper Cables and Chargers  Jumper cables to start up that cold battery for you. Especially in extreme cold, batteries may be unable to start. A good set of Cables can help you keep from being stranded by a dead battery. Chargers or back up batteries can help you keep your phones and any other devices that need a charge on during a long wait. Always make sure to leave your house with a charged phone as well. And keep a charger in your car. That way you can make the call to get help! 7. Phone number to Roadside Assistance  Having roadside assistance can really help in these situations. They can come tow you out, jump a dead battery, and get you back to safety. Check with your insurance agent to see if this is included in your policy, and if so, what are the limitations. Many times it's included at little cost to you. Remember to stay safe on the roads and always be prepared! Brittany Bergum Guardian Insurance Goup, LLC 920-626-2400 This list is not exclusive and is simply meant as a resource.
By Brittany Bergum January 10, 2019
1. You can't afford it.... You would be surprised how many people dismiss the idea in their head even though it's a concern for them because they think they can't afford life insurance. In reality, each persons situation is different. Life insurance, especially when you are younger, can be extremely affordable. We recommend asking a life insurance specialist to review your needs with you. You may realize you can't afford NOT to have it. 2. My Partner/Myself are employed. They/I will be just fine. We don't need it.... It is great that you guys are employed and able to work! But would you or your partner be able to continue living the same quality of life if your income, or theirs, wasn't coming into the household anymore? We see many young couples and young families with both adults working who feel this way. Our recommendation? Look at your current situation, (mortgagee, child care, household chores, household bills, vehicles, debt, etc) See what would happen if you took one person away? Would your partner need to put the kids in daycare? Would someone need to be paid to help clean the house or meal prep? Would you still be able to pay all the bills, keep that house, save for retirement, go on vacation if that second income wasn't there? 3. We don't have any debt, they could just sell the house.... Congrats on being debt free! That is a huge accomplishment. That is great that you have an asset like a house to sell if needed. We recommend talking about what the plan would be? Would you want to HAVE to sell the house if there was a death. If you are okay with that, what would it cost for expenses to sell? How long will bills need to be paid while the house is on the market? Will you need some extra cash for moving and paying closing cost? When putting these thoughts together, it might make sense to have something small just in case. 4. We haven't gotten that far.... Trust me.... We understand procrastination. And it happens to all of us! Life insurance isn't something everyone thinks about all the time. It's morbid to think about death. And we don't like to imagine that situation. But the reality is, we do all die. There isn't a forever potion. Yet... So it is a good time to start thinking about what next? And the plus side is, when you take out life insurance at a young age it's significantly less expensive, especially if you are in good health. It's something your family will be glad you did on the worst day of their lives. 5. I am young with no dependents yet... Hey we were all there once. This is a time when it might not be 100% needed yet. We would encourage you to look at your individual situation. Do you have plans for the future? Relationships? Kids? Business Owner? Because life insurance is so much cheaper when you are young and healthy, many times it makes sense to get started on that path now. When you don't "need" it, so you are prepared for when you do !
By Brittany Bergum November 9, 2017
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